Singapore Restaurants Cafes and Bakeries in 2024: Insights for F&B and FMCG Industries

March 7, 2024
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As a food business owner in Singapore, you would understand that one of your most critical decisions is site selection. But, how accurately can you determine promising locations relying on gut instinct alone? With today's technological advancements, we have access to profound geospatial insights that can guide our decisions and bring more precision to the process.  

This comprehensive guide is meant to provide you with actionable geospatial insights specifically tailored to Singapore's food business landscape. Think about the vast array of restaurants, cafes, and bakeries strewn across our city state. Our ambition here is to transform the array of data from these food establishments into usable insights, assisting your site selection, and fueling data-driven decisions.

Standing Out in the Competition

Building a successful food business in Singapore isn't just about cooking up tasty meals. It also involves making intelligent, data-driven decisions, including choosing the right location.

Geospatial technology leverages location data to visualize patterns and trends on geographical maps. This, when combined with data analysis, provides valuable insights on market dynamics, customer behavior, and growth opportunities. It helps in avoiding the "boundary problem", where important information just outside the chosen geographical boundary might be missed.

Restaurants in Singapore Provinces

Let's delve deeper into the gastronomic landscape of different provinces in Singapore. As you're well aware, this bustling city-state is a melting pot of cultures and cuisines, contributing to a diverse food scene that's ripe with opportunities for savvy food entrepreneurs.

As in any metropolis, location is key. Each province presents potential benefits and challenges, an understanding of which can be a goldmine for your food business. To help you capitalize, let's take an immersive dive to unlock valuable geospatial insights.

Central Province

Known as the heartbeat of Singapore, Central Province is a vibrant hub bustling with energy and life. With traditional food markets intersecting futuristic skyscrapers, this area is popular among locals and tourists alike. The retail landscape here is competitive yet diverse, offering bountiful opportunities for restaurants, cafes, and bakeries. However, site selection in this area requires careful consideration, given the high rentals and intense competition.

East Province

If you look eastward, you'll find a rich blend of tradition and modernity. With a mix of historical landmarks and modern retail markets, East Province offers potential for food businesses that cater to both local tastes and international palates. Geospatial data from this region could reveal opportunities for specialty cuisines, hawker-style eateries, and contemporary cafes.

West Province

Meanwhile, the West Province of Singapore is an intriguing blend of residential districts and industrial areas. Social Area Analysis can offer impressive insights into the demographics of this populace. Armed with this information, businesses can drive data-based decisions for developing food outlets servicing these communities. Be it worker-friendly cafes, quick service restaurants, or a bakery catering to families, the potential is vast.

North and South Provinces

Lastly, let's not forget the burgeoning North and South Provinces. Their evolving urban spatial structures are ripe for examination and can yield valuable insights. Leveraging 'agent-based modelling' can help predict the impact of emerging creative industries on these spaces, a case study from Nanjing, China, recently revealed. The profiling of communities in these provinces could hold the key to unlocking viable business opportunities in the food service industry.

Traffic Data of Singapore Restaurants, Cafes, and Bakeries

Understanding traffic data is a vital aspect of business planning in the food industry. It's important to note that the traffic referred here isn’t just the vehicular movement on roads but also the human mobility patterns. This essentially refers to the concentration of potential customers moving in and out of specific areas of Singapore. By studying this data, you can pinpoint areas with the highest potential customer footfall.

Restaurants Traffic

In Singapore's restaurant industry, nearly 200 new entrants emerge each year, making it a competitive landscape. A significant 75% of them are located in key precincts with high transit accessibility, seen from the geospatial data analytics. As per recent statistics, Singapore's central district boasts of over 4,000 restaurants, while its eastern and western districts sustain about 1,200 and 1,900 eateries respectively. This is not a surprising fact considering the central districts' dense populace and the vast selection of culinary choices. It’s noteworthy that smaller bakeries and cafes, spread more evenly across provinces, hold their own at nearly 2,500 in number. Utilizing effective geospatial insights provided by data analytics, businesses can decode these numbers and make informed site selection decisions.

Bakeries Traffic

Most bakeries in Singapore see a surge in footfall during the early hours of the day. This is often tied to the culture of enjoying a hearty pastry breakfast en route to work or school. Considering this pattern, setting up a bakery near dense residential areas, or close to transportation hubs like MRT stations and bus interchanges could be promising.

Moving forward, it's crucial to keep in mind the effect of traffic volume and emissions as well. A high-traffic area may initially seem attractive, but remember, too much vehicle exhaust could potentially harm your food quality and ambience, both vital to a bakery's success. Hence, selecting locations with balanced vehicular traffic is something worthy of your consideration.

Furthermore, weather plays a significant role in Singapore due to its propensity for occasional showers. An accessible indoor location is, therefore, something patrons would be thankful for. It helps ensure consistent footfall irrespective of the weather conditions.

Cafes Traffic

Data shows that cafes in the Central Province lead with an average daily customer count of 1000+. The cafes in the East and West Provinces see slightly lower numbers, averaging 800-900 visitors per day. Those located in the North and South Provinces tend to welcome 350-450 patrons daily, reflecting a quieter but consistent flow.

Other contributing facets to consider are social area analysis, weather, and presence of overhanging trees which can enhance the appeal of cafes in Singapore. Based on recent market surveys, cafes with a nearby green presence have shown a 15% increase in overall foot traffic, largely due to the cool, relaxed environment these spots provide. This demonstrates that making strategic decisions based on thorough geospatial insight can markedly influence your café's popularity.

How to Increase Traffic for Your F&B Establishment in Singapore?

Increasing traffic for your food and beverage (F&B) establishment in Singapore requires a strategic approach that takes into consideration several factors. Let's delve into some strategies that can effectively drive more visitors to your restaurant, café, or bakery.

Analyze the Competition

First, it's vital to set yourself apart from your competitors. Start by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of surrounding F&B outlets. Use this insight to understand what they're doing well and where they're lacking. You can leverage these findings to enhance your own offerings, making your establishment a compelling choice for customers.

Optimize Your Location Based on Customer Data

Successful F&B businesses are often located in bustling areas. By choosing a central location, you can tap into high footfall and increase chances of customers "stumbling upon" your business. However, the key is not just about picking a populous area, but catering to the specific tastes and preferences of the population in that area. Understanding customer profiles using geospatial insights can help you serve their needs better, thus potentially increasing your visitors.

Ensure Easy Accessibility

No one likes hassle. Ensuring your F&B outlet is easily accessible can remove potential barriers for customers. Consider aspects of transportation - is there public transportation nearby? Is there ample parking for those that drive? A conveniently located establishment can see an increase in traffic simply because it's easier for customers to visit.

Capitalize on Neighbourhood Benefits

Every neighbourhood has unique benefits. It could be its demographic makeup, the proximity to key attractions or the neighbourhood's reputation itself. Including these elements into your business strategy can create local appeal and draw in more customers.

Offer A Unique Experience

In a market as competitive as Singapore's F&B industry, offering a unique dining experience can set you apart from your competitors. Consider innovative menus, unique interior designs, or hosting special events. These experiences can make your business memorable and increase customer retention, leading to increased traffic.

Price Range of Restaurants, Cafes and Bakeries

Singapore, being a cultural melting pot, showcases a remarkable diversity in its culinary landscape. However, when you're setting up your food business, it's crucial to comprehensively understand the prevailing price range of restaurants, cafes, and bakeries. Doing so can ensure you offer competitive prices that will attract and retain your customers.


On average, you can expect meal prices in Singapore restaurants to range from SGD $20 to SGD $100 per person, based on the reputation, location, and cuisine offered. Upscale, fine-dining restaurants can charge significantly higher prices, with some establishments boasting tasting menus at SGD $200 per person or more. However, remember that a higher price tag often equates to increased expectations for service and quality - not to mention a certain level of prestige.


Cafes, on the other hand, thrive on being affordable hangout spots. You'll often find their prices moulded around SGD $15 to SGD $30 per person, inclusive of drinks. Some cafes may charge a premium for specialty coffee or unique dishes, but generally, they remain more affordable than restaurants.


Lastly, bakeries in Singapore tend to sell their pastries and cakes per piece or per serve. A single serve, on average, costs between SGD $1 and SGD $10. Showcasing a variety of items like bread, croissant, muffins, and cakes, bakeries attract customers who are on-the-go, creating a steady stream of income. Setting fair prices for quality products guarantees repeated sales and customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, understanding the geospatial aspects of Singapore's food industry is mission-critical for any food business aspiring to make fact-based decisions. By knowing which provinces have the highest concentration of restaurants, cafés, and bakeries, businesses can position themselves strategically to stand out in the competition. Factoring in traffic data and price range into site selection can also be a game-changer. Data-driven decision-making doesn't just contribute to business growth; it paints a vivid picture of the competitive landscape, helping entrepreneurs negotiate it with agility and intelligence.

How xMap data can help your business?

  • Strategic Location Selection: Gain insights on the distribution and density of restaurants, cafés, and bakeries across Singapore's provinces. This will aid in choosing locations with less competition and high potential demand.
  • Traffic Data Analysis: With comprehensive traffic data, your F&B establishment can optimise its operating hours and plan its marketing efforts during peak hours, ultimately increasing revenue.
  • Price Optimisation: In-depth analysis of the price range in different locations can help in pricing your offerings competitively, attracting more customers while ensuring profitability.
  • Data-Driven Expansion: Use specific location data to uncover opportunities for expansion or identify emerging markets, ultimately leading to sustainable growth.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Continuous updates on the performance of other players in the field to help you stay ahead in the game, tweaking your strategies when necessary.

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