Gas Station Data Insights of Ohio State: An Insightful Guide for Businesses

April 20, 2024
11 mins read
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In the complex world of business, having foresight can distinguish the innovators from the laggards. While traveling through Ohio's busy highways and peaceful backroads in 2024.

"To guess is no good, but to anticipate is GREAT." 

This timeless wisdom by Filipe Alou resonates profoundly, echoing through the corridors of opportunity and innovation. Ohio's gas stations serve as symbols of flexibility in a constantly evolving environment, where success is influenced by the blending of technology, consumer choices, and environmental awareness. In this context, businesses must meet current demands and predict future needs by creating a plan that is both insightful and sustainable. Come with us as we explore Ohio's gas station industry, providing businesses with guidance to navigate the changing marketplace with confidence.

How many gas stations are in Ohio?

Across the vast expanse of Ohio, fueling stations are widely spread out, serving the needs of drivers traveling on its highways and in its cities. In 2024, Ohio had an impressive number of gas stations, with a total of 8,894 gas stations. These stations, which vary from busy interstate hubs to charming rural outposts, are crucial stops for travelers and important support systems for local communities. Ohio's gas stations have a significant impact on transportation, economy, and social connections throughout the state due to their large presence in diverse areas. Remarkably, there are 196,643 gas stations in the USA.

Distribution of Ohio’s Gas Stations by Counties


Number of Gas Stations

Cuyahoga County


Franklin County


Hamilton County


Montgomery County


Lucas County


Summit County


Stark County


Lorain County


Butler County


Mahoning County


Trumbull County


Lake County


Clermont County


Warren County


Licking County


Cuyahoga County, where Cleveland is located, has 668 gas stations that are important for both residents and visitors. From bustling city centers to quiet residential areas, these stations meet varied needs, guaranteeing ease and accessibility.

Franklin County in Ohio has 648 gas stations located at its core. These stations, located in both urban and suburban areas, are essential for enabling travel and business activities, benefiting both locals and tourists.

With 454 stations located in Hamilton County in southwest Ohio, including Cincinnati, this area serves as an important stop for drivers. These stations offer necessary services and convenience in various locations, from bustling city streets to peaceful corners.

Montgomery County, where Dayton is located, has 373 gas stations that are crucial for travelers. These stations are designed to be easily accessible and convenient for both residents and visitors, whether in urban or rural environments.

Lucas County, home to Toledo, has 341 gas stations that support transportation and commerce. From busy urban streets to residential neighborhoods, these stations meet a variety of needs by providing necessary services.

Decoding Geospatial Data for Ohio’s Gas Stations

Price Range

Understanding the price range of gas stations in Ohio is essential for motorists seeking both affordability and convenience. Of the 8,894 gas stations across the state, a significant portion, totaling 6,462, provide no explicit pricing information, prompting drivers to inquire directly or rely on real-time updates from fuel price apps. Meanwhile, 1,571 stations are categorized as "Moderately expensive," indicating a likely balance between amenities and cost. For budget-conscious travelers, 860 stations offer an "Inexpensive" option, providing an attractive choice for those seeking economical refueling solutions. With such diversity in pricing, Ohio's motorists can make informed decisions based on their preferences and financial considerations, ensuring a smoother journey on the road.

Number of Reviews

The number of reviews for gas stations in Ohio provides crucial insights into consumer feedback and satisfaction levels, depicted in the Trend Diagram of Gas Stations in Ohio (Number of Reviews). The distribution of reviews across gas stations varies widely, with some stations receiving higher volumes of reviews than others. At the top end of the spectrum, gas stations with 1, 2, and 5 reviews indicate a trend towards greater consumer engagement and possibly higher levels of patronage or visibility. Conversely, as the number of reviews decreases, there is a gradual decline in consumer feedback, with fewer stations receiving higher volumes of reviews. This trend suggests varying degrees of consumer engagement and satisfaction across gas stations in Ohio. Analyzing the number of reviews offers valuable insights for gas station operators, enabling them to understand consumer sentiment and preferences and make informed decisions to enhance the overall customer experience.


Gaining insight into consumer satisfaction levels and the quality of services offered can be achieved through understanding gas station ratings in Ohio. Gas stations throughout the state have varying ratings, with most being between 4 and 5 stars. The most common stations have ratings of 4 and 5 stars, showing that consumers are very satisfied and give positive feedback. Furthermore, ratings like 4.3, 4.2, and 4.1 are also notable, underscoring the generally positive attitude towards these businesses. On the other hand, gas stations rated between 1 to 3 stars make up a smaller percentage of the total, indicating areas that may require enhancements to meet consumer standards. Motorists can use these ratings to make informed choices when choosing gas stations, giving preference to those with higher ratings for a better refueling experience.

Phone Numbers

Phone numbers for gas stations in Ohio are crucial for drivers who might require assistance or details during their journey. Out of the 8,894 gas stations in Ohio, 8,224 have phone numbers, indicating a high level of accessibility and communication options for consumers. However, 670 gas stations lack phone numbers, possibly impeding drivers' ability to contact them for inquiries or assistance. Having access to phone numbers of gas stations helps drivers make informed decisions and feel secure and convenient during their travels.

Popular Websites

Understanding the online presence of gas stations in Ohio is essential for consumers seeking information and convenience while on the road. According to the data provided, there is a diverse range of popular websites associated with gas stations across the state. Out of the total 8,894 gas stations, 2,780 do not have a listed website, potentially limiting the accessibility of information for consumers. However, several gas station chains have established online platforms to enhance customer experience and engagement. Sunoco leads the pack with 614 gas stations linked to their website, followed closely by Speedway with 489 stations, and BP with 467 stations. Other notable websites include Dollar General, Shell, Circle K, Marathon, Kroger, UDF, and Duchess. These websites serve as valuable resources for motorists, offering information on services, promotions, and locations, thereby enhancing the overall convenience and satisfaction of consumers while navigating Ohio's roadways.

Leveraging Geospatial Intelligence for Gas Station Success in Ohio

Strategic Site Selection

Geospatial intelligence aids gas station operators in strategic site selection by analyzing demographic information, traffic flow, and competitor positioning. By leveraging GIS technology, operators can identify optimal locations for new stations or expansion, maximizing market reach and profitability.

Customer Service Improvement

Geospatial intelligence helps gas station operators enhance customer service by pinpointing high customer traffic zones and possible bottlenecks. Operators can improve efficiency and customer satisfaction by examining spatial data of customer interactions and service requests to optimize resource allocation and streamline processes.

Market Demand Forecasting

By examining population trends, economic indicators, and transportation infrastructure changes in certain areas, geospatial intelligence enables gas station operators to predict market demand. By using this data, operators can predict changes in fuel usage and make necessary adjustments to inventory and staffing, leading to optimized resource distribution and increased profitability.

Real-time Pricing Adjustments

Gas station operators leverage geographic information to make real-time pricing adjustments based on nearby economic conditions, rival pricing, and demand variations. By combining spatial data with pricing formulas, operators can keep fuel prices competitive and optimize revenue by adjusting them in real time, ensuring profitability and responsiveness to market dynamics.


While traveling on Ohio's roads in 2024, we see that gas stations are more than just places to refuel - they are important parts of the area's economy and society. These stations cater to motorists' diverse needs with 8,894 establishments, connecting communities and facilitating commerce. Businesses can use geospatial intelligence to anticipate challenges and remain flexible in navigating the industry's intricacies. Geospatial analysis provides a strategic edge, allowing operators to predict future trends and adapt to changing consumer needs through techniques like strategic site selection and real-time pricing adjustments. Navigating through Ohio's gas station industry involves utilizing a compass to steer businesses through the changes of the market, leading them towards long-term success and prosperity.

How xMap Data Enhances Business Insights

  • Geospatial Accuracy: xMap Data offers precise mapping of gas stations, enabling businesses to pinpoint under-serviced areas and potential hotspots accurately, crucial for strategic planning and expansion.
  • Continuous Updates: With regularly updated data, businesses can make informed decisions based on the latest market insights, ensuring adaptability in a dynamic environment.
  • User-Friendly Interface: xMap boasts a user-friendly interface accessible to businesses of all sizes, ensuring straightforward navigation and data utilization.
  • Strategic Competitive Analysis: Access to competitors' pricing, contact information, and market positioning empowers businesses to conduct thorough competitive analysis, aiding in the development of effective strategies for differentiation and gaining a competitive edge.

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