The urgent care industry in California continues to play a critical role in providing accessible healthcare solutions. In 2024, the sector is thriving, with over 6,130 urgent care centers in the USA.
From our USA Healthcare Dataset, in California, there are 969 urgent care centers catering to diverse medical needs, from immediate care to specialized treatments.
In this article, we’ll examine the latest traffic and performance trends, ratings, and reviews to answer how urgent care centers are performing and evolving this year.
Traffic data provides a comprehensive view of how well urgent care centers are performing in terms of patient visits. By categorizing traffic levels, we can better understand which facilities are thriving, which are stable, and which may require intervention. Here is a breakdown of traffic data for urgent care centers across California:
Understanding traffic patterns helps stakeholders make data-driven decisions about resource allocation, marketing strategies, and site suitability for future expansion. The detailed traffic score and traffic patterns of any urgent care center in California or any USA state are available in our USA healthcare dataset.
Ratings are a direct reflection of patient satisfaction and the overall performance of urgent care centers. By examining this data, we can identify centers excelling in service quality and others with room for improvement. Here’s a breakdown of ratings for urgent care centers in California:
Ratings not only highlight patient satisfaction but also influence how prospective patients perceive and choose urgent care services. High-rated centers enjoy a competitive edge, while lower-rated ones face pressure to adapt and improve.
For stakeholders, a detailed breakdown of urgent care centers and other healthcare facilities ratings are success is essential. Access the full rating data for urgent care centers and other healthcare establishments in California and other states through our USA healthcare dataset.
In California, some of the 5-star rated urgent care centers are Palm Urgent Care, Zai Health, UCLA Health Malibu Immediate Care, Friends of Malibu Urgent Care, Urgent Care Mile, and Doctor2me.
Urgent care centers can leverage generative AI to uncover rating data in specific areas of choice by simply asking questions. Here are some questions you can ask Polygon AI to cover the ratings of establishments in a given area:
Patient reviews provide context to the ratings, offering direct feedback on experiences, challenges, and standout services.
In California, there are 37 urgent care centers with more than 1,000 reviews. They are mostly located in Santa Clara, Riverside, Kern, San Diego, Fresno, San Bernardino, Orange, and Alameda counties.
The highest review received by an urgent care center is 5,429— Lincoln Urgent Care. This urgent care center is located in Placer County and it has a 4.5-star rating showing it’s a top performer. This is followed by Priority Urgent Care in Kern County with 3,085 reviews.
Generative AI offers transformative solutions for urgent care centers looking to enhance their performance:
By integrating AI into their strategies, urgent care providers can remain agile in an increasingly competitive landscape.
The performance of urgent care centers in California shows their vital role in the healthcare system. Urgent care centers are more dominant than other healthcare establishments. For example, while there are 969 urgent care centers in California, it has just 153 surgical hospitals.
By analyzing traffic, ratings, and reviews, providers can uncover valuable insights into their operations and patient needs. Generative AI offers a powerful ally in optimizing site selection, improving service quality, and identifying growth opportunities.
For healthcare providers seeking data-driven insights into the USA’s healthcare market, xMap’s USA healthcare dataset provides comprehensive insight for decision-making and site selection.
Contact xMap to learn more about how our datasets across countries and industries and our generative AI Solution for market targeting can streamline your decision-making process. For more information contact
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